Archive for October 15, 2007

Prison Break: Enter the Contest!

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There is no new Prison Break on tonight, which is very sad!

So instead, here is a reminder to head over to the website and enter the contest! Here is the link!

And also something to think about…

Do you think Prison Break jumped the shark by killing off Sara Tancredi? Many comments have been made on the subject. You can look at other people’s comments and even vote on when you think PB jumped the shark, or never jumped… check it out!

October 15, 2007 at 2:53 pm 1 comment

Listen: 5 Albums I Just Can’t Stop Listening To.

So music was never really a big thing for me. I enjoyed it, but all I really did was tune into the radio and sing along to whatever was on. My roommate SBloom in New York can attest to that…until one album came along and changed my life. Funnily enough it was the Jason Mraz album Mr. A-Z. Random I know. Im pretty sure it wasnt a groundbreaking album in any way or even a huge favorite for people, but for some reason that came along at just the right time for me. I absolutely love it…and I will always love it, it fueled my desire to listen to music all the time. Soon after that I got my first ipod…my brother started really getting into music and telling me about different groups, and now i am practically always listening to music. And now for about the last year I have been on a concert kick and have been buying concert tickets like crazy. I’m not saying I have great taste in music or anything, but these are the top 5 albums I just cant stop listening to right now. What do you think of these?


1. Rooney – Calling the Word Its their newest release and its pretty great. Word is it took them a while to get the album kinks worked out and thats why they took an 3 year hiatus between albums. Check it out, awesome songs to sing along to and also some nice slower ones. Still has their trademark retro pop sound with a fair dose of jerk guy lyrics. I really do love it though, I am headed to their Minneapolis concert this weekend and I will let you know all about it!


2. AutoVaughn – Space These guys are a great group out of Nashville. Im not too sure how well known they are, but they rock. When I saw them in concert they played one of the best live songs ever heard. Freaking awesome music and super talented guitarists. I was a fan immediately.


3. Death Cab for Cutie – Plans All the music by Death Cab is awesome. So chill and just so well written, but this album is always my favorite of theirs. I even have a Death Cab ringer on my cell phone.


4. Jason Mraz – Mr. A-Z Yeah, he’s just so creative and awesome. Try this album…you will be singing along before you know it. When is he touring??? I want to see him live again?


5. Guster – Ganging up on the Sun

What are your current top 5 albums? 🙂

October 15, 2007 at 10:44 am 3 comments

:) hello!

television, music, news, and everything else from your typical minnesota blogger... leave me comments! i love them!


October 2007