Archive for October 30, 2007

Samantha Who?: The Wedding.

Well I am sad to say I missed last week’s episode of Samantha Who. One of these days I will get around to watching it online…but it didnt prevent me from enjoying this week.

The Wedding

Poor Samantha, every message on her voicemail is someone who hates her. It just seems that “Old Sam” was pretty awful to just about everyone in her life. “New Sam” really wants to turn over a new leaf, so when she finds out she is a bridesmaid in a friends wedding she gets very excited! Well, turns out the Bride hates her too. Big surprise.

Suki…Sookie? spelling? …(yes, her character name is Dena, but I will always call her Suki, even though Gilmore Girls is long gone) convinces her to stay and really try to work things out with the bride. She is able to do that and ditches Suki to sit with the Bridal Party. After Sam works things out with Valerie, she has a flashback to her former life and realizes that the Bride Valerie cheated on the Groom at the Bachelorette party…and it may have even been Sam’s idea! During her bridesmaid toast she sort of rats out her friend, but at the same time a bridesmaid admits to sleeping with the Groom, so I guess its all water under the bridge huh? They actually seem sort of meant for each other.

Todd and Sam have a nice dance together and have sort of a tender moment….sparks? Too bad that a drunken Suki tells Todd that she is just like the old Sam ditching her friends. And then Suki plants a big ol kiss on Todd! Haha! Loved it. Todd is no longer convinced that Sam is a changed woman and is unsure about her again. I guess it will take a few more episodes to be able to get these two together. At the end, Sam and Suki make up and are friends again.

One of the funniest parts of the episode were Sam’s parents who tagged along to the hotel where the wedding was and spent most of the time in the hotel room having quick sex before the cheese plate arrives from room service. They crack me up! So funny!

I like this show, but I am wondering how long they can keep having Sam discovering herself? At some point will it become a typical dating scenario sitcom where she gets back together with Todd and they have their life together? Will the “Old Sam” ever come back completely?

ps. Give Andrea more lines and a more rounded character! I love her!

October 30, 2007 at 1:28 pm Leave a comment

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October 2007