Archive for May 11, 2008

The Office: Job Fair

Oh Michael Scott. One piece of paper? What were you thinking? I have to say, I really liked this week’s episode. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite of all time or anything, but it was nice to not be hearing Michael complain endlessly about his singleness.

Poor Pam, stuck driving back and forth to the Office. I loved it when she was on the phone with Jim. Those two couldn’t possibly be any better suited for each other. I love it. PLEASE PLEASE let them get engaged…AND STAY HAPPY. Do you hear that NBC? I know they have been staying together for this whole season so far, but if you pull a Ross & Rachel on us I am going to be seriously upset. Also, loved the kissing. They are adorable.

Andy Bernard is getting to be such a funny character. I am loving him with Angela, and his interactions with Dwight are hilarious of course. But his line about having “blisties” from hitting too many golf balls just hit my funny bone for some reason. I loved that line.

I appreciated this week too because they were out of the office, but both groups that were away from the office were doing work-related things. So much of it lately has seemed so unrelated to their actual jobs. Although I did feel teased without payout between Angela and Dwight. Really? They were together and alone all that time and nothing happened???? COME ON!

Next week is the season finale. Which I am both incredibly excited and also seriously depressed about. Because I am excited to see what happens in the finale (You better be proposing Mr. Halpert!!!) but I am really sad about it being done for the season. I feel like we just got it back. Ugh…writer’s strike messing everything up.

So what do you think is going to happen? Proposal? Pregnancy? Death? Who is leaving The Office? Who is leaving THE WHOLE SHOW???

May 11, 2008 at 8:13 pm 2 comments

:) hello!

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May 2008